Packing up the family and hitting the road to one of the many beautiful camping destinations in the northwest can be a fun adventure, but camping and outdoor gear can be costly. Ben Mawhinney, the co-founder of Wonderland Gear Exchange, is here to serve as a guide to where you can save some cash and
Month: July 2019
Camping in a storm – Testing the Lanshan 1 tent The weather forecast was for some showers and moderate gusts of wind….but… what started out as a test of a new tent, ended up with us battling a thunderstorm. The tent was great, but the lightning was so intense that we had to bail. It’s
Matt and I head up to Spitlers Edge for a wild camp, however after two days of torrential rain and thunderstorms, the ground was like a swimming pool. We were forced to make a hasty retreat to escape the local Tsetse fly population. As the light faded, we found a secluded Glen in some local
Great gear for taking the family camping that you can order today. Tent Double Sleeping Bag Mosquito Repeller Table Cooler Support My Channel By Shopping on Amazon! #backpackinggear #campinggear #hikinggear #Latest_Greatest #backpacking #hiking #camping #survival Stay Connected to the Latest Greatest Group: My Website – Facebook –
Once our tents were erect and we’d cooked some campfire lunch, we needed to get stuck in to Ben’s camp task-list to escape the (still undecided) forfeit. Of course, aside from the chaos, there was an amazing outdoor orzo to be made for dinner and the quickest, most incredible smores you’ve ever seen – us
10 Awesome Camping places in Himachal Pradesh
Tarp shelters offer backpackers an ultralight and versatile alternative to a tent. In this video, Miranda shows you four ways to set up your tarp. Check it out, then head into your local REI to find a shelter that works for you. Learn to tie a bowline knot here: Learn to tie a trucker’s
Orion’s adventures coming soon family friendly no cussing better video quality…. My wife’s birthday camping trip Canelo is at home with his grandma and the farm is being watched by our neighbor…..
Campfire Cooking Bushcraft Breakfast Bacon And Eggs In The Woods #campfirecooking #bushcraftcooking
Summer 2019 Gear Loadout – Canoe camping in Algonquin park. What to bring CAMPING. “Give me all the camping gear you have.” – Alex Pope
Join us on a survival challenge in the North of Canada as we struggle to stay fed, watered, sheltered, and alive, in the middle of mosquito season! Our survival depends on catching fish! We FISH for food with just a few basic fishing tools and make a tarp shelter out of what we can find
We visit a cheese factory called the Tillamook Creamery and the kids eat tons of awesome cheese foods and other dairy products like ice cream. If you could only eat cheese foods for 24 hours, what would it be? Want to know more about the awesome Thousand Trails RV campgrounds we are staying at? Click
This channel is Agenda Free and is fully supported by the viewers. Support TOGR with Patreon : Want to Attach the Modular Sleep System to any backpack? This is the Molle II Sleep System Carrier and it makes that possible! … Link : eBay and just about any military surplus provider; they are very
With this video you will have no problems or issues setting up your MDC-01 Camper Trailer Tent. Only positive reviews have been received and feedback has not been bad at all on this model. You can put this model tent on any of our Offroad Camper Trailers from Market Direct Campers. Why not upgrade from
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me and my border collie Luna wonder in to the woods, to do an overnighter. I cook some sausages over a dakota fire hole, and build a fire reflector. luna decides to get in y sleeping bag with me, and has a splash in a pretty little river. Thanks for your click. hope you enjoy!!
Top 6 Outdoor & Camping Gear 2019 You Must Have! Are you looking for the best camping and outdoor gear of 2019? These is some of the best camping and outdoor gear we found so far:
1. ZeroBreeze Mark II
2. VSSL First Aid Kit
3. Thermacell Radius
4. YETI Hopper Flip 12
5. Topo
Subscribe to our new channel WooHoo: Makeup Challenge! 9 DIY Mermaid Makeup vs Fairy Makeup: Supplies and tools • Canvas • Pencil • Marker • Hot glue gun • Pompoms • Twine • Cardboard box • Paper cups • Utility knife • Acrylic paints • Silver spray paint • Tulle • Scissors •
Basic camping gear for beginners, a list of essential things you can’t do without. With a dash of advice on how to pick out the right tent, sleeping bag and a mat. You can download a printable check list here: If you prefer to read on the subject I’ve written a blog post discussing
This video will show you how to set up your popup camper also known as a tent trailer. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “Super Clean Free Tee Giveaway – Home Owner Repair ” -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-
Part one of a multi day solo packrafting bushcraft camping trip, lake hopping in wild lakes using a #packraft by Kokopelli packrafts. On this first episode I hike with all the trip’s gear and make a camp just 1.5 km away from the first lake. Best way for me to see if i forgot something
6 days alone on the west coast of Denmark – two camps in the forest and one in the open land. Open the full video description for more information. Article from the trip including most asked questions: _________________ You can see the gear list here You can see sponsors of the channel here
Links to the products shown in the video: Outdoor Vitals Summit Sleeping Bags: at Outdoor Vitals at Amazon Insect Repellents at REI Sea to Summit X-Pots: at Sea to Summit at REI at Amazon Kelty Night Owl Tent Blue Water SUP The above are affiliate links, so
By POPULAR demand…. a food video 
Went out with the dog this morning to make myself some breakfast, and play with a new axe that I got recently.
EMAIL US! SUPPORT THE SHOW! THROUGH PAYPAL: Our Ebay Store: PO BOX LETTERS OR GIFTS can be sent to: Chris and Hollie/ PO box 153/ Knotts island NC/ 27950 Melanie’s Channel:
This was so cool! Out of nowhere- a pack of weasels! Here in Alaska they are plentiful. Never expected to see them in my campsite and follow them into the forest for a better look. Once in a lifetime experience! I love them. Weasels, ermine…. this is the summer phase. In winter, they turn all
#survival #bugoutbag #prepper In this video I display the gear I took on my 5 day wilderness/ kayak experience. This gear is suited to camping, survival, bugging out, bug out bags, backcountry camping, through hiking, ultralight hiking and many other emergency applications. In this video I showcase the gear stored in my vanquest Markhor 45
ORIGINAL KNIFE IS ONLY ORDERED ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE! Best-Selling AlmazanKitchen® cutting boards are finally available on our website — This is our last video…….for this year, ofc we are not going anywhere :). Thanks, everybody for supporting us so much on our first year on YouTube! Thanks to you we achieved something
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