Overnight backpacking with the Hexpeak XL Tipi and 3W Titanium Tent Wood Stove. On the first part of this trip the weather was fair, but then overnight a rain storm moved in and absolutely soaked the whole campsite. Come along on this adventure!
Hexpeak XL Tipi: https://luxe-hiking-gear.com/products/hexpeak-2p-tent-system
3W Titanium Tent Stove: https://luxe-hiking-gear.com/products/folding-wood-stove-titanium
Wood Stove Set Up Video: https://youtu.be/EnH564Lj-cA
Tipi with Titanium Stove Overview: https://youtu.be/nmz9VuaTvYw
#hexpeak #huntingtents #hottent #luxeoutdoor